Saturday, 26 October 2019


You’ve enjoyed sports for as long as you can remember. There’s nothing like the experience of being at the big game. Watching on television just doesn’t compare, and you don’t understand why some say that they’d rather sit at home and watch from there. You want to be surrounded by fellow fans with the action taking place right in front of you. And you’re now wondering if it’s time to bring your children to experience this with you. Perhaps you have memories of your mom, dad or both bringing you to games and are looking forward to experiencing that with your own children. But is it too soon? A lot of factors will come into play when it comes to deciding if your child is too young to bring to a college or pro sports game. Perhaps the most important thing to note is that there is no exact age. It all depends on how mature your child is and what you’re comfortable with exposing them to. Fidgeting Will your kid be able to sit still for the entire game or at least long enough for it to be worth taking them? This is an especially important point if you’re going to be attending a sold-out contest, meaning that there’s not going to be much or any extr

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