Friday 22 December 2017

LIVNFRESH Gets a Ton of Screentime in Upcoming ‘United Colors of Bennett Song’

Alongside the likes of Dennis Haskins, Tara Reid, and many more talented actors, LIVNFRESH is getting a ton of screen time in the upcoming 2018 film ‘United Colors of Bennett Song’. So just how often can you expect to see LIVNFRESH’s great clothes and designs come out in the film? From our count, the trailer alone has at least 10 of our designs on display:



Did you catch any of our stuff in there? Two of the easier designs to notice in the ‘United Colors of Bennett Song’ trailer include these classic LIVNFRESH designs:


Fresh Coast Youth T-Shirt

Michigan Paisley Womens V-Neck

What’s even better than our stuff being featured in this 2018 flick is that it looks like it’s going to be a wonderful film, too. We can’t wait to see it!


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