Today, there is much information that anyone can find online. In a few clicks, people can get all the detailed information they need. They can get it in just a few google searches. They can watch a Youtube video, and they can already get all the instructions they need about a topic. Such is the power of the web. Such is the power of the new social media today. With crowdsourcing websites, it is now easy to get the right information people want.
In the case of information about Lake Erie, this ease and complete access is the same thing. People can just get all the information they need about the rich geography and data about Lake Erie online. With the information in this article, you can now learn everything about Lake Erie. Let’s start.
What Is The Average Depth of Lake Erie?
The simple answer to this is 62 feet. That said, Lake Erie is still the shallowest lake among the five Great Lakes today. With an average depth of about 10 fathoms and 3 feet, and a maximum depth of around 35 fathoms, this lake is still considered big. The volume of the lake is about 2,900 cubic miles. This gives the lake an even profound depth.
What Is The Current Temperature Of Lake Erie?
As of today, November 1, 2017, the current temperature of Lake Erie is about 13 degrees Celsius. That relatively makes the climate in Lake Erie very cold and hard to explore.You may also want to know that in Buffalo, where a part of Lake Erie is, the weather could reach about 55 degrees.
Is Lake Erie Man Made?
It will be for your benefit to know that: No, Lake Erie is not man-made. It is a product of glacial movements since thousand years ago.
How Deep Is The Deepest Part of The Lake?
You should know that the thickest part of Lake Erie would reach so far as 64 m. That’s around 210 ft. You can just imagine the rich biodiversity in the lake because of such depth. You could also imagine how much rich history Lake Erie witnessed because of such wisdom. There is also about 799 mi of shore length in Lake Erie, and this makes the lake one of the deep bodies of water in North America. The depth of such lake means that it can be a living area for various fish, including walleye, alewife, common carp and rainbow trout.
What Is The Water Temperature in Lake Erie?
It’s easy to remember that Lake Erie’s water temperature is about 52 degrees. It may reach to about 59 degrees, but that’s not the average temp. It may even be said that Lake Erie’s weather would be a typical Cleveland April. This kind of weather is still right for people to explore the lake. They should just carry with them protective gear, so when it rains, they don’t have to worry about getting wet.
Why Is There Salt Under Lake Erie?
There is salt under Lake Erie because 400 million years ago, Lake Erie used to be a seabed. The evolution and movement of glaciers and soil erosion pushed down the lake’s salt and minerals.
Is Lake Erie One of The Five Great Lakes?
Yes, it is. It is, in fact, it is the fourth-largest lake among North America’s five Great Lakes regarding the surface area. The other lakes in the group are lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario and Lake Superior. Lake Superior’s name came from the French term lac superieur, which means upper lake. It also refers to the position of the lake, which is just north of Lake Huron. The indigenous tribe Ojibwe is the one that calls Lake Superior as Michi gami, which refers to great water.
Lake Ontario comes from the Wyandot word Ontario io, which means shining waters. On the other hand, Lake Michigan got its name from the Ojibwa word mish-himz, which also means great water.
Other Relevant Trivia About Lake Erie
It would be useful to know, too, that Lake Erie’s formation began about 1.1 to 1.2 billion years ago. This happened because of the split between a fusion of tectonic plates. These plates were created by a Midcontinent Rift, which helped create Lake Erie.
Another fun fact about Lake Erie is that it is claimed to have been formed during the end of what is now known as The Last Glacial period. Various glaciers, basins of lake and erosion happened during this phase of Lake Erie’s evolution.
It may also help you to know that right now the water volume of Lake Erie could amount to about 115 cu mi. That is about 480 km3. That’s a lot of water. That’s also a lot of blessing for those who live nearby because that amount of water can house a lot of varying edible fish.
It may also be said that the residence time of the lake is now about 2.6 years. The surface elevation of Lake Erie would also reach approximately 173m, which is around 569 ft.
Another exciting piece of trivia about Lake Erie is that there were several groups of Native American cultures living on the eastern end of the lake. The Erie Tribe is one of those inhabitants. They had an education system beyond their days and lived a unique lifestyle. The Neutrals were another tribe that lived on the northern shore of the lake.
It could also be useful in your school research to know that Lake Erie was once claimed by the Iroquois for their hunting needs. Right now, these tribes are still active in the area, but not as active as they used to be.
Regarding history, it was recorded that it was the Frenchman Louis Jolliet who was able to first explore Lake Erie. It was also recorded that Lake Erie was the last of the Great Lakes examined by European navigators.
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